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Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
Kyoto Journal - Issue 96
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Kyoto Journal - Issue 96

A Kyoto Journal special issue on Taiwan, The Beautiful Island

our neighbor, formosa

Taiwan’s success story as a young democracy and economic power in spite of its tumultuous modern history; its cultural richness and extraordinary natural beauty, all go largely unnoticed in the Western world. This is Kyoto Journal’s case for Taiwan, The Beautiful Island—for its greater inclusion on the global stage as a place to follow, visit, invest in, and, perhaps above all, to be moved and inspired by. Put together by some 30 collaborators based in Taiwan and elsewhere, complete with stunning photography and illustration. Guest edited with an introduction by KJ’s director, Lucinda “Ping” Cowing.

RM 70.00
RM 0.00
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